Service!: A New Columbus Non-Profit Works to Eliminate Hunger Among Hospitality Staff and Their Families.

Service! is a non-profit relief effort for hospitality workers being organized by restaurant industry leaders serving Franklin County, Ohio. Its focus is to identify and utilize resources to eliminate hunger among restaurant industry workers and families. Partnering with the existing non-profit Independents Day, Service! will be looking to include a grocery box program and an… Read More Service!: A New Columbus Non-Profit Works to Eliminate Hunger Among Hospitality Staff and Their Families.

Getting Out but Staying In: Preston's by Ambrose and Eve

Today was National Carryout Night. Honestly, these days that’s about all you have as an option as dining rooms across the nation remain shuttered. And with Coronavirus still running rampant here, it was easy to choose the Preston’s pop up inside Ambrose and Eve to support for this Made Up National Day That We All… Read More Getting Out but Staying In: Preston's by Ambrose and Eve